Appreciation model
The Helicon Ecosystem uses a deflationary model to ensure that, over time, the HDT token supply reduces as demand increases. Details of how the HDT token supply is controlled are as follows:
• Participants obtain Liquidity Provider (LP) tokens by injecting HDT+USDT to the PancakeSwap liquidity pools. LP tokens are used for Master NFT purchases and liquidity mining. A main function of LP tokens is to lock HDT and therefore, take HDT out of circulation.
• Master NFTs have a pre-determined linearized growth, determined by smart contracts. LP tokens used in the sale of Master NFTs are unlocked over a 9-day period, which temporarily takes HDT out of circulation.
• The supply of HDT tokens is linearly unlocked with smart contracts, which enables a controlled release of tokens into circulation.
• A portion of HDT tokens used in Regular NFT transactions will be sent to the HDT blackhole, where they will be burnt. Regular NFTs can only be purchased using HDT.
• DAO voting and the Helicon Add-on System (AOS) will also integrate the use of HDT. There will be a HDT burning mechanism when using these features, with details to be announced prior to launch.
Last updated