Yield Aggregator

The DeFi Liquidity Mining Pools are the primary source of HDT. This will be where users can participate in liquidity mining to earn mining rewards. The 9 mining pools are Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia and Urania.

The 72% of all HDT will be distributed to 9 pools for liquidity mining. HDT will be released in each of the 9 pools evenly.

Participants obtain Liquidity Provider (LP) tokens by injecting HDT+USDT to the PancakeSwap liquidity pool. By staking LP in the liquidity mining pools, participants will receive HDT as mining rewards.

5% of mining rewards are reserved for the Master NFT owners for each pool. The rest of the HDT rewards are distributed to all users who have LP staking in the pools proportionally

Last updated